3 convenient ways to make a payment

Make a payment through your online account:

  1. Visit cinlegal.com/login and enter your username and password
  2. Click on Billing & Invoices in the top navigation
  3. Enter your credit card details and click Process Payment
CINlegal laptop

Make a payment without leaving your software:

Best Case logo
In Best Case:

Under Setup, go to Credit Report or CaseAssist and select Billing Information

  1. Make a one-time payment by adding your credit card details
  2. Setup Automatic Monthly Payments – If you are already enrolled, you can update your card details
  3. Update your billing email for delivery of your e-invoice
  4. Click a date to download a CIN Legal invoice
Best Case Screenshot
CINcompass logo
In CINcompass:

Under Settings, open Firm Settings and select Due Diligence Billing

  1. Access your current invoice, balance and last payment amount and date – plus, update your billing email address
  2. Click View to download invoices from previous months
  3. Add or update a credit card to be charged every month
  4. Enter credit card details for a one-time credit card payment
CINcompass Screenshot

Make a payment through the mail:

Send your check to:
CIN Legal Data Services
BOX 88588
Milwaukee, WI 53288-0588

Please include your Account Number on your check and enclose your payment slip,
which is available to print from your online account.